Community Relations

Facebook Page

We have created an Aspen Hills Owners Association Facebook page ( for two purposes: 1) To build a sense of community; and to 2) Support the official  AHOA Web site:  The Facebook page gives you a means of communicating with other Aspen Hills owners–individually and collectively; sharing photos and videos; asking questions and getting input from other owners, getting information about subdivision concerns and community events and participating in online events.  It also serves as a quick link to important items on the AHOA website.  It is NOT a forum to pick fights, raise controversy, or promote political, religious, or commercial interests.  Complaints and grievances should be submitted to the proper board member via the Contact Us page.

Aspen Hills Community Events

There are three scheduled community events for Aspen Hills: 1) the Annual Wood Pile Burn: This is scheduled for New Year ’s Eve.  It’s a fun event to come to if you have the means to travel up to the burn pile area in winter conditions.  2) The Annual Aspen Hills Clean-up Day.  This is typically scheduled the Saturday before Father’s day every June.  Work hours run from 9 to 11 a.m.  A pot luck lunch follows at noon.   The more people we have join us, the more work we can get done and more hours we can apply toward government grants.  It’s fabulous way to get to know other owners. 3) The Annual Business Meeting.  This is where the subdivision’s official business, budget, and reports are given.  Elections are also conducted.  Please be there.  The annual meeting is normally scheduled in June the Saturday after Father’s day.

Awareness Campaigns

When there are general concerns such as fire prevention, weed control, and safety, information will be posted on Facebook and the Web site.

Community Events

We will try to keep you posted regarding fun and interesting events that are happening in Sanpete County.  We will also give information about points of interest in the surrounding area that might be fun for you and your family.


We welcome your input for other ideas that will help us build community and support our goals and enjoyment in Aspen Hills.