Message from the Nominating Committee:

Message from the Nominating Committee:


According to the Association Bylaws, at the end of each Annual Meeting, a nominating committee, charged with gathering nominees for the Board of Trustees election at the next Annual meeting, is to be assembled. This committee will serve until the end of the next annual meeting at which time a new Nominating committee will be assembled.

The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chairman who shall be a Member of the Board of Trustees, two (2) additional Members of the Board of Trustees, and two (2) or more Members of the Association.

The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and announced at each annual meeting.

Definition and Job duties of those on the Nominating Committee:

– Gather, research, and approve nominations for election to the Board of Trustees

— The Nominating Committee shall make as many nominations for election to the Board of Trustees as it shall in its discretion determine, but not less than the number of vacancies that are to be filled. Such nominations must be made from among the Members of the Association.

— Nominations may also be made from the floor at the annual meeting.

— Nominating Committee will validate good standing as:

—- All dues and fees are up to date

—- No outstanding policy/lot violations exist

— Announce at the annual meeting each nomination for election to the Board of Trustees

— Collect, Validate, and approve each Proxy to be counted

—- Ensure they have been vetted as valid for the current year

—– Each Proxy vote is from:

——a valid lot owner up to date on all dues and fees

——Number of votes, per lot, is correct and all votes are not all on one candidate

—– Additional measures IF Proxy votes are assigned to another member

—— Validate assigned member is a lot owner in good standing

—— assigned member is present for the election

—– After all votes are in, the (non-board members) nominating committee will split and count each vote – both floor/proxy

—– Announce the New Board Members after final count


Election to the Board of Trustees held at the annual meeting shall be by secret ballot. At such election, the Members or their proxies may cast, in respect to each vacancy, as many votes as they are entitled to exercise under the provisions of Article IV, Section 1 of the Bylaws. The persons receiving the largest number of votes shall be elected.

Valid voting is described as:

Each lot will have one vote per open position

  1. Example if there are three open positions and 5 people running – three people will need to be chosen
  2. concurrent voting is not permitted – Concurrent voting is described by multiple votes going to one person
  3. for those owners who own multiple lots, each lot will still have only one vote per open position

Cumulative voting is not permitted.


The Nominating Committee for 2024-2025:

Board Members up for Re-Election in 2024

  • Chris Miles
  • Debbie McCoy
  • Blake Llewellyn
  • Josh Newby (resigned 2 years remaining)

Total – 4 Positions: Three (3-year term) positions and one (2-year term) position available 2024

If you are interested in making a positive difference and want to work with others with the same goal, to make our mountain a better place for everyone.


Please fill out this small template for owners seeking a position on the Board of Trustees:

Please give our members as much information about you as possible, to help them make informed decisions:


Name: _____________________________

Lot #(s) owned: _______________________

Owner since: _________________________

Skills or current job: ____________________

A little bit about yourself: _________________







Why are you running: ____________________






